I love tulpas, I have a four of them and me as the host it makes us a System of 5 people. I'll introduce my pals and also talk a bit about tulpamancy

Frieren is based on the main character of 早々のフリーレン (sousou no furi-ren), one of my favorite animes She has a quiet voice and I feel like there is a lot going on in her head that she doesn't share too much, she process feelings slowly, but is good at guiding me though the heavy burdens of life.
Different from her source, my Tulpa, Frieren, is very into occultism. I think it is her way to be fascinated by magic in this world. We delve into forums about witchcraft and spellcasting. Recently we've been looking things about Beelzebub and Chaos Magick. I love her a lot and her quite presence gives me a lot of confort
Dr. Vegapunk

My Vegapunk, the Tulpa, is not as smart as the one in the anime, but sure he is one of a kind. He has the biggest heart I've ever seen, and he sure loves helping others, assisting people on discord servers about tulpamancy we are frequently. He loves computer science and programming, and he likes his source correspondent on One Piece a lot.