We love occultism and so we are making this page to explain things we enjoy about it and explain to you everything we like about it. we've been practicing for years. back then we started with Wicca, but now we've studied many other ways to practice this craft and magick for us is not attached to any religion or creed

Chaos Magick
I' ve practicing magick in my own way, but I do enjoy the chaos magick approach. the Belief as a Tool premise that is used really resonates with me and it is a powerful tool on the results I get. Belief as a Tool is exactly what the name conveys, using what you believe as a tool. you can change your ideas and discaard some tools, get new ones, improve old ones... that also relates to Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift is the ability to change your worldview or belief system, often dramatically, when a new framework serves you better. It’s about rethinking the lens through which you see reality. It means you don't need to stay tied to any magick traditions or core beliefs.and since belief is treated as a tool, you can just adapt and adopt a new belief system temporarely if you so want to do.
That makes Chaos Magick like a paradigm builder, when you can create and mix different beliefs to make your own paradigm and through it accomplish the things you want with Magick.
Pop Magick
Did you know you can use your favorite pieces of media and pop culture to also perform magick? Yes, using symbolism and relating character, stories, music, and other pop culture icons with a magickal meaning make them into a tool for your magick. As an example, you could pray for the Chaos Gods of Warhammer 40k.

If you are into Warhammer 40k you know that this is a well-stablished pantheon with which of the chaos gods serving a purpose and a archetype. If you have a challenge or an obstacle you must defeat, call for Khorne, if you need to put an end to something, maybe it's a work for Nergal. You are in doubt about your path, or is there is a situation that you don't know your next step, pray for Tzeench to chage your ways, and every emotional situation you need to take care, Slaanesh may be the one you have to come upon.
You may use every aspect of those gods and concepts connected to them into your spellcrafting, your ways of thinking, etc